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Poll: Trump Transition Approval Plummets (historic low)


According to a new CNN/ORC poll, Donald Trump will take office Friday with the lowest approval ratings for any recent president and his transition efforts. The president-elect will be sworn in while his approval rating is 44 percentage points below outgoing President Barack Obama’s; and while approval ratings for his transition efforts are more than 20 percentage points below Obama’s, George W. Bush’s, and Bill Clinton’s. Across the board, approval ratings for various aspects of Trump’s transition have plummeted since November. Nearly 53 percent of Americans surveyed now say Trump’s handling of his transition since Election Day has made them less confident in his ability to handle the highest office in the land—a 10 percentage-point increase in disapproval since November. Additionally, the disapproval of his handling of transition efforts has climbed 7 percentage points to 52 percent, and the percentage of those who think Trump will be a good president dropped 5 points since the election.

 Naturally, Trump himself responded on Twitter on Tuesday morning, declaring approval polls “rigged.”

The same people who did the phony election polls, and were so wrong, are now doing approval rating polls. They are rigged just like before.

The complete CNN/ORC poll results

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