
Derechos humanosDictadura
Periscopio Venezuela – 18 de septiembre de 2020
Viernes 18 de septiembre 2020, #PeriscopioVenezuela, Buenos Días, SANOS, LIBRES Y PROSPEROS
- https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-homepage_en/85334/International%20Contact%20Group%20on%20Venezuela%20Ministerial%20Declaration International Contact Group on Venezuela Ministerial. Joint Statements. 1. The ICG met at Ministerial level on 17 September. The Group welcomed the participation for the first time of Argentina as full member and announced that Bolivia would be stepping down from the Group. 2. ICG members reaffirmed that the only sustainable solution to the Venezuelan crisis will be an inclusive political, peaceful and democratic one, through free, credible, transparent and fair legislative and presidential elections. They called on all parties to commit to an inclusive and credible negotiation. The ICG welcomes the recent release of some political prisoners and the termination of politically motivated judicial proceedings against members of the opposition, and insists that all remaining political prisoners should be released immediately and unconditionally, and house arrest terminated. 3. ICG members concluded that conditions are not met, at the moment, for a transparent, inclusive, free and fair electoral process. All obstacles to political participation must be removed in order for a meaningful electoral process to take place. This includes, inter alia, respect for the constitutional mandate of the democratically elected National Assembly, returning control of political parties to their rightful administrators, cessation of the disqualification and prosecution of political leaders, full restoration of their and other candidates’ rights to equal political participation, a comprehensive update of the voter register, including young voters and Venezuelans abroad, and an independent and balanced CNE, and equal participation and unrestricted access to all media. 4. ICG members welcome the call to the international community to observe the elections, as a fundamental guarantee of transparency, freedom and fairness of any future electoral process. The ICG notes that the current electoral timetable does not allow the deployment of an Election Observation Mission. The ICG calls for guaranteed minimum conditions of credibility, transparency and inclusiveness in the electoral process, and for the ability to observe the elections without interference, including unobstructed access. The effectual requirements for an electoral observer mission need to be in place credibly and in a timely manner before its deployment. 5. A negotiated process, owned by Venezuelans, and leading to a reinstatement of public powers, transparent and internationally monitored elections and a package of guarantees enabling political coexistence, are essential elements to overcome the crisis, achieve national reconciliation and economic recovery. 6. ICG members reiterate their deep concern about the worsening humanitarian situation in the country, which is now aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic. An improvement of the environment for humanitarian actors to operate in line with humanitarian principles of neutrality, impartiality and independence is necessary to step up the response capacity of the humanitarian organisations. Increased donors support for the humanitarian response, as Venezuela remains one of the least funded humanitarian crises in the world, is much needed. 7. ICG members expressed their support for the work of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN HCHR) and of the UN Independent International Fact-Finding Mission, and called for their unfettered access to sites in the country in order to carry out their mandates. ICG members expressed deep concern about human rights violations, as updated in recent reports by UN HCHR Bachelet and the UN Fact-Finding Mission. 8. More than ever Venezuela needs the support of an international community that works together.
- https://www.elmundo.es/opinion/editorial/2020/09/18/5f63a41721efa0c8118b469f.html Venezuela, el imperio del terror, Editorial, El Mundo.
- https://elcomercio.pe/mundo/venezuela/crisis-en-venezuela-que-consecuencias-puede-tener-el-informe-de-la-onu-que-acusa-a-maduro-de-crimenes-de-lesa-humanidad-noticia/ Qué consecuencias puede tener el informe de la ONU que acusa a Maduro de crímenes de lesa humanidad, BBCMundo, El Comercio
- https://www.abc.es/internacional/abci-informe-frena-plan-borrell-pactar-dictadura-maduro-202009172220_noticia.html El informe de la ONU frena el plan de Borrell de pactar con la dictadura de Maduro, Enrique Serbeto, Abc
- https://www.vozpopuli.com/internacional/maduro-elecciones-venezuela-observadores-ue_0_1393060797.html Maduro ve «imposible» retrasar las elecciones y vuelve a pedir observadores a la UE. Vozpopuli
- https://efectococuyo.com/economia/precio-de-la-pina-equivale-a-mes-y-medio-de-trabajo-mercadoguaicaipuro/ Precio de la piña equivale a mes y medio de trabajo #MercadoGuaicaipuro. Shari Avendaño, EC
- https://elpitazo.net/oriente/futpv-denuncia-solicitud-de-ordenes-de-captura-contra-dirigentes-petroleros/ Futpv denuncia emisión de órdenes de captura contra dirigentes petroleros, El Pitazo
- https://efectococuyo.com/politica/la-publicacion-del-informe-causo-mucha-preocupacion-dentro-del-oficialismo-cocuyoclaroyraspao/ Informe de la ONU causó preocupación dentro del oficialismo #CocuyoClaroyRaspao Manuel Tomillo, EC.
- https://www.eltiempo.com/politica/gobierno/asi-seria-la-nueva-llegada-de-venezolanos-a-colombia-538482 Fin de cuarentena reactiva retorno de venezolanos a Colombia. Por cada vecino que salió, regresarían 2. Se esperan 200.000 en próximos meses. Redacción Política, Andreína Itriago y Julián Ríos, El Tiempo
- https://www.eluniversal.com/politica/80535/ali-daniels-informe-de-la-mision-onu-sobre-venezuela-es-historico-porque-resume-los-horrores-del Alí Daniel, director de Acceso a la Justicia: Informe de la Misión ONU sobre Venezuela es histórico porque resume los horrores del Gobierno. Vanessa De Sousa
- 14ymedio https://www.14ymedio.com/cuba/Diaz-Canel-EE-UU-estallido-Cuba_0_2951104861.html Díaz-Canel denuncia complot desde EEUU para «alentar un estallido social en Cuba».
- http://www.granma.cu/mundo/2020-09-18/una-gira-diplomatica-para-rodear-a-venezuela-18-09-2020-00-09-33 Gira «diplomática», ¿Y rodear Venezuela? Granma
- https://lagranaldea.com/2020/09/17/la-despolarizacion-comienza-cuando-en-el-liderazgo-haya-intentos-de-entendimiento-y-no-solo-descalificacion/ José Rafael Briceño: “La despolarización comienza cuando en el liderazgo haya intentos de entendimiento y no sólo descalificación”, Alejandro Hernández, LGA. Este país tiene la virtud del caos, es decir, que aquí nada sale exactamente como cualquiera lo tiene planeado, incluidos tus enemigos
- https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/latinoamerica/bolivia-presidenta-interina-jeanine-anez-se-retira-de-la-carrera-electoral-538458 Presidenta interina de Bolivia, Jeanine Áñez, se retira de la carrera electoral, El Tiempo
- https://elcomercio.pe/politica/el-futuro-de-martin-vizcarra-en-juego-el-congreso-debate-y-vota-mocion-de-vacancia-presidencial-en-vivo-richard-swing-roberto-pereira-noticia/ Futuro de Martín Vizcarra en juego: el Congreso debatirá y votará moción de vacancia. Sebastián Ortiz Martínez, El Comercio.
- https://www.abc.es/internacional/abci-constitucional-peruano-verde-mocion-censura-contra-presidente-vizcarra-202009172143_noticia.html Constitucional peruano da luz verde a moción de censura contra Vizcarra. Pau Ugaz Abc.
- https://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/allanan-quinta-mauricio-macri-posible-violacion-cuarentena-nid2453174 Allanaron quinta de Mauricio Macri, Los Abrojos, por posible violación de cuarentena. Gabriel Di Nicola y José María Costa, La Nación
- https://prodavinci.com/la-muerte-de-carlos-villamizar-y-lo-vivo-de-nuestras-etiquetas-c/
- https://www.vozpopuli.com/opinion/simon-pandemia-bildu_0_1392761188.html Aquí yace un hombre que buceaba. Karina Sainz Borgo Vozpopuli
No hay camino para la paz, la paz es el camino. Compasión, tolerancia, respeto y ¡LIBERTAD! Compilador José Hernández ¡GRACIAS!