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PEW RESEARCH: Majority of Americans Confident in Biden’s Handling of Foreign Policy as Term Begins

Sharp partisan divides, even as most support international cooperation and see importance of respect for U.S. around the world

President Joe Biden begins his term with a majority of Americans having confidence in his ability to handle international affairs. In a new Pew Research Center survey, 60% of U.S. adults have confidence in Biden on foreign policy – fewer than said the same of Barack Obama as his presidency began (74%) but more than for Donald Trump in his first year (46%).

«Large majorities of Americans say it is important that the United States is respected around the world (87% say it is very or somewhat important) and that Biden’s leadership will result in other countries viewing America more positively (69% say this). A recent Center survey in France, Germany and the United Kingdom demonstrates how Biden’s election has improved America’s standing among those European allies after a sharp downturn during the Trump administration



Majority of Americans Confident in Biden’s Handling of Foreign Policy as Term Begins



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